Friday, 27 August 2010

Lock up your dairy!

So, turns out it rains quite abit here. Real proper RAIN rain. 
Like noah's ark, it's going to flood kind of rain. Like, all night lightening and thunder, sounding like bombs, kind of rain.
 Believe it or not, this is really heavy rain...I just havent managed to capture that.

 But even when it's raining there are fun things to show you. Surprisingly even a trip to the local supermarket can bring a little humour to our day...

And the funniest things are expensive, like dairy. I am seriously not getting my daily brie intake...

and there is absoloutely no chance of slipping it out of the store...really? security locking the cheese?

 It seems appropriate to add something aestheticly pleasing into each blog, something very travel-journal, so here you are - 

West Lake is where we live. We've also found out it seems to be a romantic setting for the locals. as well as acting as a motorbike race-course for loony 16 year old vietnamese chavs with no helmets and no common sense. sheesh, I sound like a mother.
Oh, and something else pretty cool was the oldest university in Hanoi fully equipped with turtle-filled ponds,
 beautiful hanging lanterns,
and two lovely men, sitting under a tree, playing a chilled game of what looks like chinese checkers.


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so much love for those who comment!